Bahía de Bizkaia Electricidad S.L. is a combined cycle electric power plant located beside the Bahía de Bizkaia Gas S.L. regasification terminal, in the Outer Area of the Port of Bilbao (Punta Lucero, Zierbena). The plant has a power output of 785 MW and its main fuel will be the natural gas supplied by Bahía de Bizkaia Gas S.L.. The electricity generated in the combined cycle plant is fedding into the grid for domestic, commercial and industrial use.

Key Characteristics:
- Output power: 785 MW
- Anticipated annual energy: 3.600 GWh
- Heat rate: 6353,4 KJ/Kwh
- Global performance: 6486 KJ/Kwh
- Area: 43.409 m2
- Working level: Sea level
- Urban area: 51502m2